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<BR>Hey Everyone,<BR>
Just wanted to say a few things about our time in Yellowstone this year.<BR>
1. It was fantastic seeing everyone - I'm paranoid I'll forget someone, but off the top of my head - Lynn, Marybeth, Jim, Dean, Kitt, LC and Nellie, Matt and Tara, Donny and Scott, Polly, Bob and Cynthia, Tara, Greg and Leslie, Rich and Deb and Stacy, Ben, Bill and Jeanette, John and Carol, Clark, Barb and Jackie, Jere B, Jim and Sean Flynn (Jake and Gus' friend who helped yell/cheer at F+M), Hans and Hilda, and Vladimir.<BR>
2. BEEHIVE - so regular and cooperative I actually saw it as many times (19) as I had seen it in all my previous visits combined.<BR>
3. Fan and Mortar - aka Monster Geyser and Fan Geyser as someone headed for Morning Glory read it - two beautiful daytime eruptions were fantastic.<BR>
4. Rustic Geyser was active and erupted every 15 minutes while we were nearby - three closed intervals - but we were really there for the backcountry camping and hiking Mount Sheridan - what views!<BR>
5. GRAND - I certainly felt like I saw more multiple burts this year - 18 eruptions as follows - 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1 - that adds up to 27 bursts in 18 eruptions or average of 1.5 which sounds suspiciously like the average.<BR>
6. I almost forgot, while I was at Great Fountain during Lynn's absence I overheard the following conversation in the parking lot.<BR>
Man - "Didn't this one used to have more terraces?"<BR>
Woman - "Oh, yeah. I know it used to have 4 or 5 terraces there."<BR>
So, Lynn please, next time you leave - don't take the terraces with you!<BR>
and Terri, Jake, Gus, and Gid Daubert<BR><br /><hr />Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for HotmailŪ. <a href='http://www.windowslive-hotmail.com/LearnMore/personalize.aspx?ocid=PID23391::T:WLMTAGL:ON:WL:en-US:WM_HYGN_express:082009' target='_new'>Try it now.</a></body>