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All information from July 11 unless stated otherwise:<BR>
Last two Beehive eruptions:<BR>
21:41 7/10 (Indicator 16 minute lead time)<BR>
11:47 7/11 (I don't know what the lead time for the Indicator was) I=14h06m<BR>
Last few Grand eruptions<BR>
21:41ns 7/10 (I think most of the Grand watchers abandoned Grand for Beehive except Vladimir)<BR>
early morning 7/11 download time not available<BR>
10:32 (G1C) double I = 12h51m<BR>
There were several gazers at this afternoon's eruption of Great Fountain (15:40 p = 7 of = 80) who planned to go to Fountain, then come back to the Upper Basin to catch Grand, but I don't think they made it since this afternoon's Grand eruption was at 17:30 (I=6h58m).<BR>
This is the third consecutive afternoon for a Great Fountain eruption about 3:30 p.m.<BR>
Fountain 7/10 18:26 per Vladimir<BR>
After putting in a few hours at the office this morning, I went out to Fountain early to see what Fountain's companions were up to. Spasm erupted for 10 minutes at 10:40. Jet was erupting at 7-9 minute intervals until Super Frying Pan erupted at 11:08 (d = 19 minutes). Jet managed one eruption (11:12) during Super Frying Pan's eruption. Then Jet shut down.<BR>
Fountain erupted at 11:31 (d = 33 min). Morning's Thief erupted at 11:32--about 20-25 feet high, again at 11:35 (about 4-6 feet high), and again at 11:38 (also about 4-6 feet high).<BR>
Jet started erupting again at 11:58 with a minor (5 second duration) eruption, then 30 second duration eruptions at 11:59, 12:01, 12:03, and 12:04. (I didn't stick around after the end of Fountain to see what happened to Jet's intervals after Fountain ended.)<BR>
Twig started at 11:51, 20 minutes after the start of Fountain. Twig has not been erupting prior to most of the Fountain eruptions that I have seen. Also, I have seen no water in Bearclaw at any time during any of Fountain's cycles or eruptions that I have watched this summer. I have seen occasional puffs of steam, but no water, not even spray.<BR>
Gemini had a series of one eruption while I was at Great Fountain.<BR>
Other observations and comments:<BR>
This morning I noticed the stonecrops are in bloom across the sinter plains near Pink Cone. There was a deer east of Ranger Pool. Pat Snyder sent me a photo trying to help me identify the purple flowers along Firehole Lake Drive. Unfortunately, I didn't do a very good job of describing the flowers and I can't post photos because I haven't replaced the camera lens and accessories that I left in a black Nikon camera bag, probably near Pink Cone sometime earlier this summer. Anyway, a closer look today revealed the "flower head" is actually a tight bunch of individual flowers atop a tall stalk with no leaves. I still haven't found anything that looks like it on the internet yet. The wild roses are also in bloom near Hot Lake, as well as some pearly everlasting.<BR>
There were several mountain bluebirds, as well as robins and chickadees, at the Fountain overlook this morning. Two different female bluebirds brought two fledglings each to sit in two dead trees. The fledglings still had fluffy, downy feathers instead of the sleek feathers featured by the adults. Set #1 of fledglings huddled tightly together at the junction of the tree trunk and branch and just sat there without moving for quite some time. Set #2 was more adventurous, moving around on the branch, separating from each other, moving up and down the trunk a few inches, pecking at the bark searching for lunch. When I made a move toward the backpack, Mama #2 flew straight at me, dive-bombing my head, so I decided I didn't need a drink of water until after she had left. Not long after she left, a male bluebird came along to investigate each set of fledglings, frightening them into flying off. <BR>
Question to which the perfect answer occurs after the people have left "Which one is the next one to erupt?" Since Pink Cone was in eruption at the time (13:38 start, I ~ 21h25m), I should have directed her toward Pink Cone since it had at least another 45 minutes before it was going to end. Someone said I should have told her Old Faithful. Or, when Jake Daubert said something about Clepsydra, I realized I could have sent her to Clepsydra. Maybe next time I'll have an answer at the tip of my tongue instead of stammering around trying to figure out how to give a sensible answer to a question that was insensible to me.<BR>
Lynn Stephens<BR><br /><hr />Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. <a href='http://windowslive.com/explore?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_BR_life_in_synch_062009' target='_new'>Check it out.</a></body>