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Overhead recently--"Morning's Thief always erupts three times following the start of Fountain's eruption."<BR>
Sometimes Morning's Thief does erupt three times following the start of Fountain's eruption, but sometimes it only erupts twice, sometimes once, and sometimes not at all.<BR>
Honeycomb is active this season. Here is some information from Scott's third edition (I don't have the 4th edition here at the office with me):<BR>
"Lasting about 12 minutes (rarely as long as 45 minutes), the play is a violent surging and boiling mass of water 50 to 70 feet high topped by some jets reaching over 100 feet. Honeycomb can also operate as a long-term cyclic geyser in which as many as 9 days pass between active phases, but this kind of action has not been seen since 1989. These episodes consisted mostly of minor eruptions, individual "lazy" bursts reaching 10 to 30 feet high and separated from each other by as long as 40 seconds. The culmination of these cycles was a major eruption."<BR>
Several people have reported seeing Honeycomb this summer. Some people have reported several bursts, but I don't know whether these bursts culminated in a "major" or much larger eruption. The eruption I saw consisted of a single burst. Without a reference point, I won't even guess how tall it was, but certainly it was not nearly as tall as Kaleidoscope or Drain, both of which are also active this summer.<BR>
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