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First, Nomenclature: <BR>
Note: that these names in question are in lower case, with quotation marks, as in "local usage" <U>not</U> officially approved by the USBGN. (That's to keep Lee from raising his eyebrows..) As Dr. Whittlesey will say "if you MUST name it...." <BR><BR>
The northernmost mudpot in Pocket Basin, in the last years (almost a decade now) has been referred to in local usage as "vertically gifted cyclic mudpot". I recently read on a chat page it being called "Vertically Challenged". We know activity varies, so it could be a variant like "Flounder" or "West Tomb", names that are used in jest for a slow day. Scott did include the phrase, "vgcm" with quotations and lower case, in his 4th Edition. <BR>
My question is whether local usage is changing and I am out of the loop. <BR>
Second, do we have or know a local usage name for the New Thing Across from Pearl, or New Thing Near Porkchop? It may become as lasting as Bastille (which is gone now) but is an attractive feature. I heard a reference to it possibly being called "Sagebrush Lizard Spouter", but can't be sure that was it. "If we MUST name it", we should at least use the same name. Norris staff, Denise? Do you have a local name for it? <BR>
Now to Thanks to Lynn and Scott for their "Tag Team" reports. 'Just the Facts Ma'am', from Scott gives us the times and intervals we are looking for in a clear concise form. Lynn's new "stories" reports are quite enjoyable, giving us names of who is there, flavors of the changing landscape, and more. Well done, both of you! They both enable me to make decisions on whether to come down based on eruptions AND gazer sightings. This past Monday the early morning email with overnight info was particularly helpful, I was within minutes of leaving to be at the Norris road opening to try for F&M. Thanks to Tara for taking the time to put a note on the windshield, and thanks, Lynn. <BR>
The visitor comments are always priceless, and remind me that our VIP's field visitor questions on a mind numbingly constant basis all summer, as well as retrieve garbage, halt illegal damaging activity and more. Lynn, Ralph, Mary Beth, and others; Keep up the good work, and Thanks. <BR>
See you on the boardwalks,<BR>
M.A. Bellingham<BR>
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