<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span><span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>Hello All,<BR>
More from my park visit, in the Fountain group it appears the current intervals are in the 5:30 to 7 hour range. The times I have are:<BR>
5-29 1538 (out of the log book, I hadn't arrived yet)<BR>
5-30 1545 D=31<BR>
5-31 0950 D=34 1609 D=34<BR>
6-1 0502 ie 1132 D=34 1803 D=35<BR>
6-2 0712 ie 1335 D33<BR>
6-3 no data<BR>
6-4 1039 (radio call) 1704 D=34<BR>
Fountain is erupting from a pool level that is out of sight from the boardwalk. Well, at least for people 6 feet 2 inches and shorter. I didn't get to gather data from anyone taller. From the top of the stairs you can see water in Morning if the steam and wind will let you. You can see the Fountain Rise if you are looking at the pool. Fountain still starts with the right hand (east) vent and ends with the right hand (east) vent. A bit different this year, for the eruptions I saw the left hand vent (west vent) shut off about three to four minutes before the stop of the eruption and the right vent then became somewhat stronger for several minutes before the eruption finally ended. In the past I remember the left vent stopping just a minute or two before the eruption ended. It is kind of subjective and I don't know if it means anything.<BR>
Jet may or may not erupt in the time before Fountain starts. Spasm does appear to tell you something about the start time for Fountain. I noticed this relationship and so did Bill and Carol Beverly who spent time out at Fountain before I arrived in the part. For all the data I have when I arrived in the Fountain area at least 1.5 to 2 hours before Fountain Spasm would erupt about 1-2 hours before Fountain (most often 1-1.5 hr). The duration for Spasm was in the 7-10 minute range with no overflow to Jelly Geyser, most of the eruptions were 10-20 feet at the start. Then, if Fountain has not erupted Spasm with erupt again about 1-1.5 hours after the initial eruptions. However, since Spasm dries off in minutes after the eruption if you walk after the eruption stops you can't tell if Spasm has been active. You have to be there to see it. <BR>
Morning's Thief is still guite active. It usually erupts about seconds to a minute after Fountain starts, then about two minutes later and often about 3-5 minutes after the second eruption. A couple of times it rose and boiled about 4 minutes after the third eruption apparently trying to erupt four times. The height was usually between 15 and 40 feet with an average of 25-30 feet. Each eruption consists of several bursts and include massive overflow into Morning Geyser. <BR>
Twig appears to be on its own cycle independent of Fountain. Or at least in all the time I watched Fountain I only saw Twig twice.<BR>
Bearclaw steamed heaver from time to time but I did not see any water above ground. Jelly Geyser's water level varied from low to a few inches below overflow, apparently by itself as Spasm never overflowed into Jelly and none of the Fountain eruptions I saw resulted in overflow into Jelly. The water in Jelly was always clear. Clepsydra sometimes stops about 5 minutes after Fountain quits, but this occurred only about half the time I waited around after Fountain quit. When it stops it is off for about 5 minutes. <BR>
The new boardwalk may be the only jugwalk I like in the park. It appears to be from some new improved version of plastic decking material. They are doing a good job on it, it is quite sturdy and looks more like wood. They are just closing a section at a time so you can still get to see most features while they work. I was on it several times when wet and it was not slick. I did not get to test it out with snow on it. I don't know if they are redoing all the boardwalk or just sections of it. <BR>
I saw Drain (or what I thought was Drain) active in series several times. The eruption would consists of a single burst anywhere in size from 20 feet t o over 100 feet. After the first burst the next eruptions were at 4-5 minute intervals for several additional bursts. The last few bursts could be on longer intervals. I saw series of 3-9 eruptions but I know I missed many due to Clepsydra's steam. I thought I saw Honeycomb erupt once. Also Firehose several times but without much in the way of height. <BR>
I will return with a bit more later. <BR>
Stephen Eide<BR>
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