<span style="font-weight: bold;"></span>Greetings and Salutations,<BR>
I will be writing a few reports from my trip to the park, but I need to go to work soon so it'll come as a few shorter e-mails. Starting with the River Group, I made a quick trip into the River Group because I had been talking to a fisherman who told be there was a geyser erupting in the middle of the river continuously to 2-4 feet in the river group. His description placed it near Mound Geyser and I think he was seeing Bath Spring, but he insisted it was not on the side of the river, but out in the middle of the river. So, I checked it out, and all I found was Bath Spring boiling to a foot or two. That said, if it was a new feature it could have been off by the time I walked through. <BR>
Azure Spring was overflowing and looked like it usually does. Diadem Spring looked hotter than I have seen it in over a decade. It is not boiling, but there is no algae in the pool and the water color is blue. It is a few inches below overflow. The little vent on the south shoulder of Diadem has a nice algae mat in its run off channel. It didn't look like Diadem was having overflow periods, but it looked like it could. <BR>
Spectrum Spring is still very low with only some water in the vents. The old edges of sinter are broken up through drying and buffalo walking though. I did see four small geysers to the north of Spectrum Spring but I can't name them. <BR>
Dark Pool is erupting, I was distracted by Brain geyser and missed all but the end of the first eruption at about 1901 or 1902. The second was at 1920 (6-4-09) so the interval was about eighteen minutes. Brain geyser erupted at 1859 and 1912 (6-4-09). Then I left the area as a thunderstorm was moving in and I left my pack and rain gear in the car.<BR>
The mud volcanoes looked great, I wached one put out a long line of mud down the side of its cone. The middle mud pots in the side alcove are a bit dry but interesting also. In the very north the vertically excellent mud pot is disappointing, it appears the mud on the sides has fallen in so the pool level is several feet higher than I remember it. The mud is only flying about six to eight feet above the pool level. The most northerly pot is active but a bit dry. <BR>
O, Pocket Basin Geyser does not appear to be erupting, the algae mats in the run off channell are in great shape. <BR>
Back in a bit with more. <BR>
Stephen Eide<BR>
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