Greetings, <BR>
This time Penta's main vent did the aborted eruption it was about when Penta should erupt. It was the second Tardy cycle in a row and the cycle had progressed to the point that Oval Pool was full and had already done the "wave function" twice. However it was about 6 minutes after the last wave function and the side vents were quiet. However if I remember correctly the other two times I saw this action out of main vent, one was during a Tardy cycle but a few minutes after Sawmill started. The other was also on a Tardy cycle but earlier in the cycle before Oval Pool was full. I'm coming to believe these main vent boils are just Penta toying with my affection and do not result in a Penta eruption, but I guess it will take more observation to be sure.<BR>
Thanks Ralph for the info on Pygmy Geyser. Most of the time I passed it was just a discolored patch, but once when Little Squirt was active Pygmy was a small pool of water and once I believe after Little Squirt finished erupting it was a sizzling patch of gravel with maybe an inch of height. <BR>
I did visit Norris Geyser Basin also, but I only saw Constant. The Porcelain Basin had a large number of steaming vents, but remember this was a cool spring morning. Congress Pool is about 4-5 feet below overflow, quiet and nowhere near boiling. Forgotten Fumarole is still undergoing cycles about every 12 minutes and at the high point of the cycle there are a few water droplets visible. Vixen is quiet. Pearl is overflowing but not erupting, it is now a tan color. The spring across the boardwalk from Pearl is still an active perpetual spouter and still creamsicle colored. (any enthusiasm for calling it Creamsicle Spring?). I did not see Orby, but two of the other little geysers in that area were active. Yellow Funnel Spring was erupting with an interval of 2-5 seconds, duration of one second, and a height of 1-4 feet. There is a hat in Yellow Funnel also. Echinus is just quietly overflowing. In fact, it is building terraces in the runoff channel. O, yes, all I saw from Veteran was minors to about ten feet but I did not wait on it for long. <BR>
Stephen Eide<BR>
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