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We'll be able to predict including downloads the next few days, though not many visitors are braving the storm today to know about actual eruptions.<BR>
You probably couldn't see Grand at 0950 or so, right? One visitor was there.<BR>
But, Giant. There was so much snow on the platform I couldn't be sure the sign was gone. So I kicked the snow around up there - nothing, and then did a grid search below the platform. Nothing. There's serious ice from the lip of the platform to the cage; the sign may be frozen in underneath it somewhere. It makes sense with the temperatures and wind chill of recent days. Sunday I'll move the danger sign to take its place to know something of future activity. The signs were last checked by us on the 11th. All other platform signs were in place.<BR>
There was a big steam cloud yesterday morning visible in the sun shortly after 8, but I was downloading Grand then and it looked like Grotto to me.<BR>
The sinter boardwalk-side of Fan & Mortar was also completely snow-covered this morning. I dug through it to place a new marker, why I don't know.<BR>
The storm made the difference so that snowmobiles and Bombardiers can now come in from West. The only winter road with restrictions is Mammoth to Norris as of mid-morning.<BR>
Castle's having many minors, sometimes in a row.<BR>
Carolyn Loren<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />It’s the same Hotmail®. If by “same” you mean up to 70% faster. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_hotmail_acq_broad1_122008' target='_new'>Get your account now.</a></body>