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There are new versions of UGB and Pocket Basin maps for your comments and additions. Feature names at Pocket would be especially welcome.<BR>
I'm forwarding these without looking at them myself as winter guide training is looming, and the mapmaker is moving to Samoa in January. Yes, Samoa. So time may be short to comment and integrate those comments, as I doubt another GIS person will be available for at least the rest of the winter.<BR>
I'll attach Pocket here, and send separate messages with UGB north and south.<BR>
Carolyn Loren<RTE_TEXT></RTE_TEXT><BR><br /><hr />You live life online. So we put Windows on the web. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/MRT/go/127032869/direct/01/' target='_new'>Learn more about Windows Live </a></body>