Greetings and Salutations,<BR>
I'm sure most of you are aware the winter use plans for Yellowstone this winter have been up in the air. Judge Andrew Sullivan (Washington DC) ruled earlier this year that the initial park proposal for 540 snowmobiles daily was excessive as the park service had already determined that would allow too much air pollution. The park service then generated a plan with 318 snowmobiles daily. However, then Judge Clarence Brimmer (Wyoming) ruled in a separate lawsuit that the park could allow 720 snowmobiles a day, the 2004 number, while it attempted to formulate a new long term plan. So the park service changed their plan for this winter season to allow 720 snowmobiles a day. Sorta reminds you of the dueling Judge issues that came out of the wolf lawsuits. <BR>
The problem with this that I see is that Judge Sullivan is still hearing his lawsuit, and he has clearly said that he will throw out any winter use plan that does not reduce the number of snowmobiles. He has stated that once the park service recognized snowmobiles are a source of harmful pollution the park is required to address the issue and make it better. The park service appears to be playing chicken with Judge Sullivan, and I suspect the park service will lose at this game. This could result in no valid plan for winter use and possibly stopping any winter use this season. In my less than humble opinion, this is world class stupid action by the park service. <BR>
It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, sorta like it is interesting to watch a train wreck. <BR>
Stephen J. Eide<BR>
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