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{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma</style>Your GOSA Transactions editors are pleased to announce that Transactions 10 is nearly
complete and will be sent to press in late July.<span style=""> (There will be more information soon about when the volume will be available from GOSA.)<br><br>For now, though, before more of the summer slips away, we would like to encourage those of you who have not already made your Yellowstone visits this year--and perhaps some of you that have--</span>to keep the Transactions in mind. We've already heard from some potential authors, but more articles will be needed. We encourage anyone with article ideas to contact us as soon as possible. Also, if anyone would like ideas for potential topics, the editors would be happy to supply suggestions. For starters, the new
activity of Avoca Spring is begging to be explored; perhaps several people could collaborate on such a project.<span style=""> </span>And of course there are many potential
articles in the wealth of electronic data available on the GOSA website; the
Giantess effect after the May 8 eruption, the Lion-Little Cub relationship, and the Giant-Oblong
relationship are just a few.
<p class="EC_MsoBodyText">We also have two changes for potential authors and
reviewers to be aware of.<span style=""> </span>To help the
editors manage communications with authors and reviewers, all three of us (Jeff
Cross, Tara Cross, and Pat Snyder) may now be reached at a new email address,<span style=""> </span>gosatransactions@gmail.com.<span style=""> We</span> will also be posting updated submission
guidelines on the GOSA website in August.</p><p class="EC_MsoBodyText">Thank you to all who helped out with Transactions 10; it's been a long time coming but we hope it'll be worth the wait.</p><br>Tara Cross, Jeff Cross, & Pat Snyder<br>GOSA Transactions editors<br><p class="EC_MsoBodyText"></p><br><br><hr>It’s a talkathon – but it’s not just talk. <a href="http://www.imtalkathon.com/?source=EML_WLH_Talkathon_JustTalk" target="_blank">Check out the i’m Talkathon.</a>
<br /><hr />Use video conversation to talk face-to-face with Windows Live Messenger. <a href='http://www.windowslive.com/messenger/connect_your_way.html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_Refresh_messenger_video_072008' target='_new'>Get started.</a></body>