<div>Keep in mind this data is generated by many gazers' reports and radio calls. In the park just now I have encountered Jim Scheirer, MaryBeth Schwarz, Ralph Taylor, Andrew Bunning, David Goldberg, Dee Dykes, Bill Warnock, Dean Lohrenz, Sree & Karen Koka, Greg & Leslie Gushwa, Bob & Emily Bailey, Hans & Hilde Kaufman, Bill Lewis, and Brad Barth. Lynn Stephens is likely unpacking as I type and Tara Cross and Janet Chapple are probably en route. Kitt Barger and sister, Ingrid Smith, have come and gone as have Vicky Whitledge and Allan Moose, Jere Bush, KC & Julie Thomson, Bill & Carol _____, the rest of the Warnock clan, Mike Newcomb,Mike Lang, and Dirk Anderson. I am sure I left out a bunch I would never choose to forget...that (and spelling) have kept me from mentioning names in prior reports. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Beehive: 1138 (water=1123, indicator=1124)</div>
<div>Plume intervals of 106 (double), 54, 52, 50, 51, 55, 48, 52 minutes</div>
<div>Old Faithful: 0753, 0923, approx 1050, 1230</div>
<div>Lion: 1234 initial, 1350</div>
<div>Aurum: 1339 Observed splashing water out of cone frequently at 0800, with no eruption between then and 1339.</div>
<div>Depression: no eruption noted since 0957ie on 6-17. I did not check the log book.</div>
<div>Castle: 6 min minor at 0740, major at 1243ie/ns</div>
<div>Grand: 0706 and 1337--both T1C</div>
<div>Oblong: 0911ie, 1417ie</div>
<div>Daisy: 0650, 0850, 1052, 1249, 1436</div>
<div>Riverside: [2054 last night}, 0931, 1526</div>
<div>Grotto: 0809, Grotto Fountain: 0808ie</div>
<div>Rocket Major: [2116ie last night]</div>
<div>Artemisia: 0904</div>
<div>Great Fountain: [1712 p=0 last night ] 1533 p=0</div>
<div>White Dome: 1444ie, 1457ie, 1535ie, 1554, 1621ie</div>
<div>Pink Cone: 1625 ie</div>
<div> </div>
<div>At Biscuit Basin, Avoca observed to be continuing its large eruptions, Shell Spring is dry.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>The dark clouds blew away by mid-morning and the sun has been shining.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Barbara Lasseter </div>