<div>well like carolyn said in her post, a friendly Xanterrean did radio in some info about Giant today. Since i had the day off, i decided to venture out into the frozen geyser basin to see what was happening since i had not been out there very much lately. but mostly i wanted to take my new midland radios for a spin. so after gettin totally bundled up for the cold, i headed out to giant via grand. the water in grand was out of site so i guessed an erruption had been a few hours ago or so. but since i dont watch grand too much that was just a guess.</div> <div>so off to giant i went. as i left grand the whole area was covered in fog almost all the way to giant. it was in some fog but was still visible. and it was very quiet. as i approached i could see what i thought was the sign sitting right in front of the cage. then upon observing the area i could see that the sign with the date of the last erruption was very
much frozen in ice.it had a fair amount of ice on it. the cage wasnt icey but one could tell it had had water on it.</div> <div>after checking riverside, which wasnt in overflow, i headed to fan and mortar. the new snow from the last few days was all still there and there did not seem to be much water coming from the vents. just a little noise from mortar was about all i saw.</div> <div>so anyhoo, thats my observations from the day. i might wander out tomorrow to see what i can see so stay tuned...</div> <div>Jason Tibbetts</div> <div>tibbs59@yahoo.com</div><p> 
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