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A dedicated German (I think) visitor saw a 16 minute hot period yesterday 1/7, and 2 weak ones today, so far. He's the only way we know Grand erupted around mid-day today as we get more of that white stuff; he saw Vent & Turban i.e. at 1304. Another hot period in progress at 1414.<BR>
Visitors also reported a Castle minor around 0930 this morning; some downloads show major-minor-major-minor... you get the idea.<BR>
Stu and I saw Beehive i.e. at 1632 ysterday, 1/7, while watching a 70-strong bison herd still in the meadow below Old Faithful. <BR>
Lone Star has shifted to a noon-3 schedule, from a 11-2 one.<BR>
Fan & Mortar had plenty of snow and no crust this morning, and... it's time to return to the desk.<BR>
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