<DIV>A few years back, I moved from my home state of Colorado to New Jersey for a job. Last year, I moved on to Boston to start at Harvard Business School. In the meantime, I've stayed in touch with friends and family back in CO partly by means of "Chronicles of the Sojourner" -- silly articles recounting my adventures with as much humor as my limited talents can muster.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Between NJ and MA this summer, I managed to sneak a few days in Yellowstone, after an 8-year hiatus. I wrote a Chronicle about the vacation and sent it off to my friends in July. Now that the dog days of winter have arrived on the geyser email list, I thought some gazers might find my ramblings mildly entertaining. (Emphasis on "might." As the text of this email amply demonstrates, my ramblings can grow tedious with astonishing rapidity.)</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>As I always say when I distribute a Chronicle: Enjoy or don't,
at your pleasure.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Sincerely,</DIV> <DIV>Nathan Dutzmann (a.k.a. The Sojourner)</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>P.S. On the off chance that the list-serve strips emails of Microsoft Word attachments, I hope we can all just agree that this email...never happened...</DIV><p> 
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