<div><strong><u>Friday 9-14-07</u></strong></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Beehive: 1429 (standing water @ 1358, flow@ 1416, 10min indicator @ 1419)</div>
<div>Plume: 949, 1042, 1141, 1231, 1321, 1411, 1504, 1554--the 5 I unted were all 5 bursts</div>
<div>Depression: 1027</div>
<div>Aurum: 1100</div>
<div>Castle: 1225 major</div>
<div>Grand: 0542elec, 1259; West Triplet 1133ie, Rift 1145ns</div>
<div>Oblong: 1027, 1441ns</div>
<div>Riverside: 1347ns</div>
<div>Daisy: 0814, 1110, 1401</div>
<div>Fountain: 929ie</div>
<div>Grotto Fountain: 1117 ("6-12ft splashes"), 1541-26min</div>
<div>Grotto: 1148? to 1217off, 1552</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Giant hot periods @ 0922.10 4'25", 1028.15 5'0", 1145.43 13'10" w/restart (hopefully someone will document his heartbreaker at length!), 1430, 1532.30 1'54", 1634.10 8'10".
<div> </div>
<div><strong><u>Sat 9-15-07</u></strong></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Plume: 0627, - , 921, - , 1120</div>
<div>Lion: 0627</div>
<div>Grand: 0426 elec, 1100</div>
<div>W Triplet: 1041</div>
<div>Oblong: 0837ie, 1157</div>
<div>Riverside: 0951</div>
<div>Daisy: 0802ie, 1016, 1226</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Grotto off before 0600, variable pool still down early this AM, marathon pool down 4-6" about 0630.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Marathon recovery hot period (time? after noon, I believe) No Mastiff or Giant. I failed to make notes. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Perhaps other gazers can provide missing details on this and other activity.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Submitted by Barbara Lasseter</div>