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I think the clarification is in my report on Giant this morning, but just in case, I'll review the times and dates again:<BR>
8/6 Grotto start 19:44 end between 16:30 and 17:30 8/7 duration about 21-22 hours.<BR>
8/8 Grotto start 06:53 duration ~ 25 minutes<BR>
Grotto start 12:03, still ie 21:30, end probably before 2:00 8/9; duration at least 9 1/2 hours,<BR>
8/9 Grotto 13:41 to 14:20<BR>
Grotto 20:53 to ?<BR>
8/10 Grotto 1:40ie to 02:48<BR>
Grotto 7:01<BR>
Lynn Stephens <BR>
<BR><BR> <BR>
From: fanandmortar@hotmail.com<BR>To: geysers@wwc.edu<BR>Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2007 23:27:54 -0600<BR>Subject: [Geysers] correction and question<BR><BR>
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Since I was the person who relayed the information, I wanted to make a correction on the duration of hte Grotto marathon that ended Friday, August 3. The listserv post said that the marathon lasted ~26h40m. Something got miscalculated in the relay, because it was actually ~25h40m.<BR> <BR>With that in mind, I'm curious about the Grotto marathon reported by Scott Bryan. His report for August 7 stated that Grotto was still ie at 1300, having started at 1944 on August 6. Then his report for August 8 stated that Grotto ended before midnight (presumably on August 7), but he gave a duration of "maybe 15 hours." If it was indeed the same marathon, however, the duration should have been over 24 hours. Can someone clarify?<BR> <BR>Thanks!<BR> <BR>Tara Cross<BR><A href="mailto:fanandmortar@hotmail.com">fanandmortar@hotmail.com</A><BR><BR>
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