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Since I was the person who relayed the information, I wanted to make a correction on the duration of hte Grotto marathon that ended Friday, August 3. The listserv post said that the marathon lasted ~26h40m. Something got miscalculated in the relay, because it was actually ~25h40m.<BR>
With that in mind, I'm curious about the Grotto marathon reported by Scott Bryan. His report for August 7 stated that Grotto was still ie at 1300, having started at 1944 on August 6. Then his report for August 8 stated that Grotto ended before midnight (presumably on August 7), but he gave a duration of "maybe 15 hours." If it was indeed the same marathon, however, the duration should have been over 24 hours. Can someone clarify?<BR>
Tara Cross<BR>
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