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I now wish that I had thought to do this sooner, but better late than never....<BR> <BR>In 2006 and thus far in 2007, Giant has displayed two rather distinctive modes of pre-eruptive behavior, which Paul Strasser and I termed 'North Function' and 'South Function' (so as to avoid any confusion with Marler's 'Mastiff Function' of the 1950s). Basically, North Function eruptions occurred on marathon recovery hot periods and included eruptions of Mastiff, while South Function eruptions occurred at other times in Grotto's cycle and did not include Mastiff. These functions have been mutually exclusive in all observed cases since June 2006--meaning that May 31, 2006 was the last time that Mastiff was observed to erupt with Giant when the eruption was not on a marathon recovery hot period.<BR> <BR>Gazers tend to like it when Giant sets up in North Function, because it's a lot more obvious when Giant might erupt. After the events preceding the July 24 eruption, though, I was reminded that there have been some pretty clear signs that Giant is setting up for a South Function eruption. At the end of the 2006 season, I made a chart distinguishing between North and South Function. I am attaching the chart in hopes that it will help people who haven't been able to spend much (or any) time in the park during this active phase. <BR> <BR>This is for your PERSONAL use only. And it certainly doesn't provide all the answers. But, several gazers mentioned to me last week that they didn't know what to look for with South Function eruptions, so hopefully this will help. (And I would be happy to answer questions as well.)<BR> <BR>--Tara Cross<BR><A href="mailto:fanandmortar@hotmail.com">fanandmortar@hotmail.com</A><BR><br /><hr />See what you’re getting into…before you go there. <a href='http://newlivehotmail.com' target='_new'>Check it out!</a></body>