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I thought I sent this, but since it didn't appear in my sent box, maybe it didn't go out. Hopefully two versions of this message don't appear in everyone's mail box.<BR>
The geyser gods were smiling on me today. Grotto ended a 14+ hour marathon just before I was leaving for the Lower Basin this morning. Great Fountain cooperated by having a 24 1/2 hour double interval. I was able to stay for a Pink Cone start to get a closed interval of 20h59m, and make it back in time for the recovery hot period, with a Mastiff and then a Giant eruption. Scott has all the times and will give full details in his report.<BR>
I got in on Sunday, spent the afternoon unloading the pickup, then spent much of Monday taking care of administrative details so I don't have a lot of observations yet.<BR>
Some information--<BR>
Flood is having long intervals 31 minutes from a 1 1/4 minute eruption to another 1 1/4 minute eruption; and 89 minutes from a 5 mintues eruption to a 1 1/4 minute eruption.<BR>
I don't have any intervals on Till yet; it is having minor eruptions following the major eruption.<BR>
Great Fountain's average through June 14 was about 11 hours per Ralph. This week it's had 3 15+ hour intervals.<BR>
I have not seen the UNNG in Tangled Creek, so if it is erupting, it's having intervals in excess of four hours.<BR>
I have several White Dome intervals--as short as 14 mnutes as long as over 1 hour.<BR>
I've seen Narcissus, Bead, Box Spring, Labial, and Labial's Satelllite Vents, but haven't caught Pink or Dilemma yet, but I've spent less than 75 minutes watching the Pink Cone group.<BR>
After coming back from the Lower Basin this afternoon, I stopped at Castle rather than trying to find a spot in the cage. As Heinrich and I were talking, I was watching for both a Lion initial and Plume. I got Plume at 1348, but was still doing the circular head check when at 1354 I said "Look at Beehive", then "This is not a joke, Beehive 1-3-5-4." As I was trying to decide whether to go to Grand, Scott called "Water's rising in Mastiff" so I biked to Grotto, then scurried over to watch the hot period build into eruptions. I decided not to stay for the end of Giant, but as I was biking back to Castle to park the bike to walk over to Grand, Grand started--a one-burst eruption--so everyone was spared the shock of seeing Lynn at Grand in the middle of a hot afternoon.<BR>
Lynn Stephens<BR>
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