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Fun question. Here's the list that Dave and I came up with. Dave has seen Ledge, Dark Cavern, and Splended with steam phase. These rankings are assuming the best possible (not lame Giantess steam phases):<BR><BR>1. Steamboat<BR>2. Giantess<BR>3. Africa<BR>4. Dark Cavern<BR>5. Porkchop pre-explosion<BR>6. Whistle<BR>7. Splendid<BR>8. Beehive<BR>9. Lone Star<BR>10. Ledge<BR>11. Mortar<BR>12. Atomizer<BR>13. Castle<BR>
14. Bijou<BR>15. Clepsydra steam vent<BR>16. Vent<BR>17. Bastille<BR>18. Gizmo<BR>19. Avalanche<BR> <BR>We did not include Union or the Lion (Shoshone) steam phase Jeff referred to because we have no idea what they were like. Steamboat, Africa, and Whistle are based on descriptions and/or video. As we got further down the list, the geysers became more difficult to rank.<BR> <BR>--Tara Cross & Dave Monteith<BR><A href="mailto:fanandmortar@hotmail.com">fanandmortar@hotmail.com</A><BR><br /><hr />Add some color. Personalize your inbox with your favorite colors. <a href='www.windowslive-hotmail.com/learnmore/personalize.html?locale=en-us&ocid=RMT_TAGLM_HMWL_reten_addcolor_0507' target='_new'>Try it!</a></body>