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Just two bits of info to append to Scott's report:<BR>
1. Beehive erupted at 1648ie. Did any of you webcam viewers happen to see an Indicator? It appears that all of the gazers in the basin were either at Grand or Giant at that time.<BR>
2. As for Giant, we continued to wait for the post-marathon hot period until past the 13-hour mark. During the final 3 hours of that wait, we were seeing very high water levels in the GIP and Mastiff--water was visible in Mastiff numerous times, so we didn't call it on the radio until it actually neared overflow. Emerald Vent was also bubbling for about an hour before the hot period.<BR>
All of this would have had us setting up tripods, making Eino's plans, and generally foaming at the mouth if it had not been such a short time since the previous Giant. In the end, many of us waited the entire afternoon for a hot period starting at 1858 that lasted just 5m28s. It included Feather, Feather Satellite, Rust, and the Southwest Vents, and some moderate wide-ish surging in Mastiff for about a minute or so, the best of it to 4-5 feet. And then Mastiff went flat, and then it dropped. Nothing from Giant afterwards.<BR>
Oh, well.<BR>
--Tara Cross<BR>
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