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Hello all,<BR>
Yes - they are burning the scraps from the Old VC - I went outside for a few minutes a couple of days ago and when I came in I smelled like I had been at a campfire.<BR>
The basin -<BR>
-Grand ie 1745 - - it appeared to be a one burst<BR>
-Chromatic very much in control<BR>
-as of 1800 Giant had still not erupted (signs still in place unless they were repaced by someone over the last few days or they didn't move from where Paul put them) Grotto seemed pretty far into a marathon - Variable Spring down and Marathon pool down a couple feet. Minimal water in Giant's cone and Bijou pretty much dead.<BR>
-Paul - I saw the cloud you were talking about this morning. Could it have been Oblong - or just Grotto tricking the eye?? I think there was too much water still in Giant for this Marathon to have been a result of an eruption this morning (followed by someone replacing the signs) - but I may be wrong since I am no expert on Giant. If Mike wasn't down today, I don't know who would be around to replace the signs.<BR>
Take care all!!<BR>
-Matthew<BR><br /><hr />i'm making a difference. Make every IM count for the cause of your choice. <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwme0080000001msn/direct/01/?href=http://im.live.com/messenger/im/home/?source=wlmailtagline' target='_new'>Join Now.</a></body>