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"Salt" and "Pepper": We've gotten "active" reports on 1/10, 28, 29,30,31; 2/1,4 and 18, 19, 20. On 1/10, the report was 10-15', my sense is that it has been active most of the time, with the exception of about a week prior to the 2/18 and post updates. On 2/19, the color was murky, changing to very dark around 1225. Occasionally only clear water has been seen, perhaps just from one vent, and sometimes only dark water has been reported.<BR>
New close-to-boardwalk feature: This was first reported 1/31 and was 6-7" in diameter then, with evidence of ejecta (sand) around it. On 2/1 it was closer to 1 1/2' wide, and was two-lobed then and perhaps from the first. I've only seen it after 2/1, and it was bubbling just slightly from one lobe only. On the day I was there Salt & Pepper were active to a few feet more or less continuously.<BR>
Black Diamond: it was seen in eruption to about 20' at 1305, from the back end of the boardwalk; the viewers later said they thought they saw the end part of the eruption, and felt it was higher earlier. In the last couple days there have reports of murkier water in the Black Opal area.<BR>
Keep in mind that Biscuit is visited usually between 1100 and 1400 and only by certain guides. Of those, just a few give us updates. I've gotten out there just a couple times this winter; I tend to avoid the road and hubbub on days off.<BR>
Old Faithful Carolyn<BR>
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