<DIV>My apologies to Lynn Stephens, Scott Bryan and anyone else I may have offended for reporting "inaccurate" Beehive times from the web cam over the past five days. With all the excitement over the new web cam angle, I was just trying to give anyone interested in seeing Beehive a chance to see it with a minimum of effort. In fact, several people emailed me personally thanking me for this information. Nevertheless, I certainly do not want or did not mean to be reporting inaccurate times so I will not report any web cam times again. Anyone who knows me knows that I certainly do not want to mess up any historical data.</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>If you missed it today, It was quite a show, all in a 10 minute period; first Lion, then Beehive and an Aurum during Beehive. </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Again, my sincerest apologies for starting such an "uproar".</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Donnie
Grisso </DIV><p> 
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