<DIV>David asked me to forward this message to the listserv, since he still hasn't joined.</DIV>
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<DIV>"Pathetic Little Hole Erupts!"<BR><BR> All year long the little spouter just down slope from the Anemones<BR>has enjoyed slightly higher water levels than usual. There was usually <BR>a<BR>standing water level visible at the bottom of the crater. In early <BR>August<BR>the water levels rose even more. Karen Low observed that the crater<BR>was about half full and spounting as high as a foot or two on Oct 8.<BR>Additionally she noticed that a distinct runoff channel left the crater<BR>and ran about 10-12 feet before disappearing in the gravel. It <BR>appeared<BR>as though there had been a small eruption of some kind. This condition<BR>persisted through at least Oct 19.<BR> On Oct 23 both Kit Barger and Doug Holstein saw a geyser erupt<BR>on Geyser Hill which they could not identify. It was 20-25 feet tall <BR>but<BR>seemed to last too long to be Plume (about 40 seconds). From
Doug's<BR>vantage it looked as though it were coming from Big Anemone. When<BR>I checked today (Oct 24) there was was all around "Pathetic Little<BR>Hole" and a runoff channel going all the way to the river. It had also<BR>torn apart the crater rim and was full to within inches of overflow <BR>with<BR>milky water. Minor eruptions were frequent and sometimes as much as<BR>four feet tall. It was not clear whether the minor eruptions were<BR>progressing towards another 25 footer, but there was definitely alot<BR>of energy present. The larger minors briefly put a nice flow down the<BR>newly carved channel. This feature will bear watching.<BR><BR>David Goldberg<BR></DIV></DIV></DIV><p>
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