<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2 PTSIZE=10>Geyser Guys & Gals,
<BR> You folks (education - university) that like to study the frequency and predicability of various geysers, hot springs, dry holes, etc., could or should be able to have a heyday with the seismic activity of the St. Helen's seismograph displays at the link below. There is a very good repeating pattern to the activity and it would be interesting to hear some good theoretical explanations as to what's the cause/s of such patterns. (bubbles, lava movement, mountain heartbeat, etc.) How about giving it some thought and feedback..... It's just another Yellowstone in it's infancy, but a much smaller scale.
<BR> Just thought I'd again put in my 2-pennies worth.... Gary Henderson (Meridian, Idaho)
<BR> http://www.pnsn.org/WEBICORDER/VOLC/SHW_SHZ_UW.2005072700.html</FONT></HTML>