[Geysers] Geyser Report Friday, June 24, 2016

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 16:10:06 PDT 2016

Geyser Report Friday, June 24, 2016

The wind is whistling past my apartment this afternoon as I write this.
Air temperatures were mild (high 60's), but at Artemisia, the wind was
sharp, and I wore weather gear.  I did not last until the eruption, if any,
but did catch an Atomizer and 2 minors.

We had 1 Fan and Mortar event cycle while I was there.  It never really
became promising, and I went just 1/2 way down the hill before returning to

A gazer pointed out today that the Artemisia sign, which is still in place,
thankfully, was misspelled--"Artemesia".  It goes to show that we see what
we expect to see that I hadn't noticed.

Has anyone else noticed how frequently folks deliberately step into the
steam cloud to take a picture of a feature?

Beehive was reported ie @ 0117 by webcam.
Grand was called at 0922
Atomizer major 1002 with minors of approx 1 minute each  at 0825 and 0950

I did see Morning Mist ie per steam cloud as I passed this AM (0638ie).

Barbara Lasseter
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