[Geysers] Question for your consideration

Lynn Stephens lstephens2006 at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 20 07:54:05 PST 2016

I recently read a statement "The major geysers listed in the GOSA website include" ...(40 geysers listed alphabetically)...
"There are others that are not listed or have very little or no data on GOSA website."

The author of the statement was aware of both Ralph Taylor's electronic records and the electronic version of the Old Faithful Visitor Center logbooks.

Question:  what 40 geysers do you believe got the requirements. 1) major geyser listed in the GOSA website and 2) sufficient data on the website to be included in the list?

Please  send replies directly to me at lstephens2006 at hotmail.com and I will compile them to see what degree of consensus there is.  I'll post the results on the listserve and may write up an article for The Sput.


Sent from my iPhone

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