[Geysers] Fan and Mortar video 1950

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Wed Apr 20 08:59:18 PDT 2016

Attached is a MP4 video (5.9MB) of Fan and Mortar geysers in October 1950.  
The quality is poor because the original was 8mm film, videotaped while 
being  projected onto a screen. the film was done by David deLong Condon, who 
at the  time was Yellowtone's chief park naturalist and this, apparently, was 
on the day  when an attempt to induce an eruption in Morning glory was made.
Please note two things:
1) at the start, Fan appear quite strong (this in answer to a query posted  
a few weeks ago), and it is joined by mortar after a few seconds; but then
2) watch the solo Mortar.
Scott Bryan
p.s. Twice I tried to post this video to Facebook, but it never showed up  
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