[Geysers] Geyser Report Monday, September 28, 2015

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 18:58:45 PDT 2015

Thank you so much for your wonderful reports, Barbara! Safe travels on your
journey home.
Pat Snyder

On Monday, September 28, 2015, Barbara Lasseter <barbara.lasseter at gmail.com>

> GIANT ERUPTED at about 0503.  It was caught by Dave Monteith from the
> webcam, matched to prior webcam Giant eruption by Pat Snyder, and confirmed
> on site by Jim Scheirer.  Jim reports that he's not leaving the park right
> away.
> Unfortunately, I am (leaving the park).  This will be my last report for
> 2015, but what a send-off, even if I didn't actually see the eruption.  It
> began about the time I woke up--a sixth sense, maybe?
> Last night's super moon eclipse was spectacular, and happened early enough
> that I was awake to enjoy it.  Hope you all had good visibility in your
> area.
> Yesterday was spent fulfilling my determination to catch an Iron Pot
> eruption (1321).  I didn't see much else.  Well, bison, geese, but only two
> hikers until I left Sentinel Meadow.
> Today Grand, Beehive, Riverside, and Daisy were all ie at the same time.
> Beehive: 1047 (1459 yesterday - GT)
> Beeive's Indicator: 1031 (1447ie GT yesterday)
> Grand 0342wc GT, 1050 D2/T1Q D=12min 50 sec
> Riverside: 0421ie wc GT, 1049
> Daisy: 507ns (Jim Scheirer), 1050
> Fountain: 1227 GT
> Great Fountain: 1030ns GT (1345 yesterday GT)
> I have boxes to pack!  See you all next summer.
> Barbara Lasseter
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