[Geysers] Geyser Report Thursday, September 18, 2014

Barbara Lasseter barbara.lasseter at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 14:49:44 PDT 2014

Geyser Report Thursday, September 18, 2014

Warm and dark this AM.  Dark clouds on the horizon sort of merged the
dark forest with the dark sky.  42 leaving WYS, 50 at Old Faithful at
0645.  No view of Great Fountain crater at 0625, but no trickling
sound.  No fog anywhere, but geyser vapor and darkness blocked any
view of the activity on the Fountain platform.  Lots of showers off
and on.  Every time a bit of blue sky appeared, the black clouds
bullied it out of sight again.

The bike rack at the lower store is down to a few lonely bikes--under
6 now, I think.

Beehive was barely steaming.  Appears to have erupted overnight.

I hung around UGB for a bit, then back to Firehole Lake Dr.  The
second time thru, I stopped to do a "welfare check" on the green and
white still parked 100yds down the road. It was unoccupied, with a
patch of vomitus on the pavement nearby.  I'm still imagining the
story that goes with that!

Great Fountain was doing what appeared to be its boiling refill at
0900, and I feared there had been a long interval for the overnight
eruption.  I headed for Fountain, but renewed rain as I was preparing
to leave the car sent me back to Great Fountain.  Overflow began at

Little Cub ie @ 0653, 0732
Dome: 0656ie
Slot: 0658ie
White Dome: 0857ie, 0918ie, 0945, 1016, 1057
Great Fountain: 1052 p=0
Fountain: 1102ie

As a favor to those hoping to see geysers, I headed home, and, as
expected, the weather cleared up significantly.

Barbara Lasseter

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