[Geysers] Entrance and Backcountry Fee

Janet Johns pinkconemtgo at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 19:37:46 PST 2014

For many, many years we went to Yellowstone on a very short budget.  We
could not pay the present fee during those years let alone a doubling of
that fee.  I find it very sad that the National Parks went from free to
everyone to such a high admission in my working life.  We used to camp for
free across this land and visit National Parks.  We made it to Yellowstone
on every penny we could save (I do mean pennies) and every cash present we
got from my relatives.  I say we need to triple the rate for any tour
groups (especially overseas) and LOWER it for the rest of us.  Is it  a
bargain?  Not if you can't afford it.

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 1:05 PM, <mmjustus at mmjustus.com> wrote:

>   I disagree wholeheartedly with this, especially for people who live
> within a reasonably short drive (say within a tank of gas) and make trips
> to the park on a shoestring.  Or who have to save pennies to make trips to
> the national parks.  Every dollar counts.  This is how I visit national
> parks, and I will tell you that yes, doubling the entrance fee would make a
> huge difference to people like me.  And there are a lot more of us than
> those making this argument seem to think there are.
> Meg Justus
> I agree with Ben.  The cost is a real bargain—Disneyland and Disney World
> charge $100 per day.  It seems to me highly unlikely that the small rise in
> entrance fee would prevent any but the most casual potential visitor from
> coming, considering the cost of travel and other expenses.
> Ralph Taylor
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