[Geysers] Book

Tamsen Leigh Hert THert at uwyo.edu
Mon Jul 14 18:38:47 PDT 2014

Duo, is there a way to get one for the University of Wyoming library? thanks,
Tamsen Hert

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 14, 2014, at 7:19 PM, "Udo Freund" <udofreund317 at gmail.com<mailto:udofreund317 at gmail.com>> wrote:

If anyone is interested in an autographed copy of the newly released book, "Geyser Basins of Yellowstone", please ask about it when you see me.

Udo Freund
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."  --Will Rogers

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