[Geysers] Geyser Carol 2014

sgryc at comcast.net sgryc at comcast.net
Sun Dec 21 13:48:37 PST 2014

Dear Friends, 

I’ve noticed that my geyser carols sometimes express negative emotions. I suppose that’s because last summer’s and next summer’s Yellowstone visits seem so distant after winter sets in. Yes, the negativity undoubtedly comes from the fact that this is… 

The Most Geyserless Time of the Year 

(to the tune of “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year”) 

It’s the most geyserless time of the year. 

When we’re all stuck at home where no buffalo roam 

And no mud pots are near, 

It’s the most geyserless time of the year. 

It’s the drear-dreariest season of all. 

With no Lion a-roaring or Old Faithful soaring 

Or Beehive so tall, 

It’s the drear-dreariest season of all. 

There are no gazers gawking 

And hurriedly walking 

To Grand Geyser for a great show, 

Just wonderful stories 

And tales of the glories of 

Summers so long, long ago. 

It’s the most geyserless time of the year. 

With no gazer mobs swelling and everyone yelling, 

“A Fan lock is near,” 

It’s the most geyserless time, 

No Anemone, Jet or Lone Pine, 

It’s the most geyserless time of the year. 

Best wishes to all, 

Steve Gryc 

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