[Geysers] Morning Geyser

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 12:17:17 PDT 2013

Here are two photos of Morning Geyser. The blue bubble was the 9.2.13 eruption at 1248, and the flashlight photo was from the triple eruption (Fountain, Morning, Morning's Thief) on 9.3.13 at 0058. 

For me, the highlight of the Labor Day Week trip was the 0058 triple eruption. There's nothing like standing on the boardwalk, with the stars shining through the geyser fog, hearing six geysers erupting around me: Twig, Morning's Thief, Morning, Fountain, Clepsydra (in steam phase) and Jet. A very precious moment!

A big thank you to all the gazers who kept track of Fountain so the rest of us could see Morning.
Pat Snyder

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