[Geysers] Winter 2012-2013 E Data: Fountain Geyser [and Morning!] (Young)

Jacob Young jakefrisbee at yahoo.com
Thu May 23 16:48:20 PDT 2013

We're in the midst of analyzing and loading electronic times into GeyserTimes, but I wanted to send out (preliminary) info from Fountain's logger showing strong evidence of Morning being active all winter (if you assume that long duration Fountain eruptions = Morning).  Unfortunately, the logger failed starting February 15, 2013 (eruption starts, I think, are still available after this, but durations are not), but we still have 3+ months of great data. 

In the attached chart of Fountain Durations vs Intervals, you can see that there were 11 Fountain eruptions over 100 minutes, with 2 eruptions lasting approximately 228 minutes and one 220 minutes!  You can also see that 3 out of the first 4 long duration Fountains needed 15+ hours to recover while the others in the 100 - 150 minute range returned in 7 - 10 hours.  Fascinating.

In addtion, there were a scattering of reports in GeyserTimes of Morning's runoff channels being cleared of snow that all line up with long duration Fountain eruptions.

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