[Geysers] Morning data--glitch in geysertimes.org (Murray)

Murray, Clark Clark.Murray at CenturyLink.com
Tue May 14 06:13:18 PDT 2013

Since when is it ok to call someone dumb on this listserv? This should never have been allowed to be posted! Discussion about this topic is fine. But using Curmudgeon as a excuse for rudeness is not!

Clark Murray

From: geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu [mailto:geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu] On Behalf Of TSBryan at aol.com
Sent: Sunday, May 12, 2013 9:06 PM
To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Subject: Re: [Geysers] Morning data--glitch in geysertimes.org (Young)

Not a geyser item, but... while I think Jake's "plea" was pretty much tongue in cheek, I think Meg's response rather dumb. Sorry. People got along without DST for a great many centuries and pretty much did just fine. Developed whole civilizations, even.

Scott Bryan (sorry, couldn't help myself, as I haven't been The Curmudgeon in quite a long time)

In a message dated 5/12/2013 6:37:57 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, megj at nwlink.com<mailto:megj at nwlink.com> writes:
But if Daylight Savings Time was repealed, it would get light here in western Washington before four in the morning in June, or, if we kept DST year round, it would get dark at three in the afternoon in December.  I don’t know where you live, Jake, but these facts are just as disruptive to a lot of us as DST is to programmers.
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