[Geysers] February 2013 SPUT

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Sun Mar 24 16:39:26 PDT 2013

I thought I was scheduled to be receiving the electronic SPUT, but I didn't 
 get it. However, if the paper version is on its way to me, then good, as 
I'd  really like to have this Kamchatka stuff that way (or both ways ! ).
In a message dated 3/23/2013 8:16:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
dmonteit at comcast.net writes:

Those of  you that requested an electronic version of the GOSA Sput
should have  already received your copy.  Let me know if there was a

For the rest, the Sput is in the mail.  

I was very  interested in this issue's feature article, "Cataloging the
Geysers in  Kamchatka's Valley of Geysers" by Andrey Leonov, edited by
Jack Hobart. The  10 page article includes descriptions, pictures, maps
and tables.   

So now the shameless plug -- It's still not too late to join  GOSA and
receive this issue of the Sput.  Just go  to

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