[Geysers] Topsoil Spring (eruption?)

Mike Keller kscope_ynp at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 12 09:47:17 PDT 2013

I've seen this activity from Topsoil in the past when doing thermal cleaning.  Some years it was very common, other years there was little to no change in Topsoil's water level.  

 From: "godsfireworks at yahoo.com" <godsfireworks at yahoo.com>
To: "geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu" <geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:56 PM
Subject: [Geysers] Topsoil Spring (eruption?)

Hi all, 

I just wanted to report something very interesting and kind of cool I saw while in the basin last night with Will B. We wandered over to Grand and he began to set up his camera near West Triplet. I decided that while waiting I would go take a peek at topsoil spring. The last thing I had heard was that topsoil was hot, but well below overflow. 

When I walked up however, topsoil was at (or very close to) overflow and had a steady stream of small bubbles flowing to the surface. Intrigued, I stayed put for a minute more. Just as I turned to leave, a low thump caught my attention, then another, then another! Turning and straining my eyes, I looked towards Oblong. No steam was seen blocking the stars. No on that. Then I looked down, and yelled for Will to get over here. 

Topsoil had begun to boil throwing in an occasional splash of water upwards of
 half a foot or more. At the same time, it was putting out some of the most audible thumps I've ever heard anywhere. I couldn't feel them through the boardwalk though. But they were powerful, enough to make the water pulse an inch or two, resembling the activity at Doublet Pool. After a few minutes, the activity slowed but did not cease, and there was still the occasional thump and "blip" when I got up and left.

I'm not sure what to call this, is it an eruption? Has anyone else seen this? I know I never had. I just wanted to report it to you all. 

I will probably have an Anemone activity summery by the end of the week.

Micah Kipple

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