[Geysers] Grand Geyser Code

Carlton Cross cross at bmi.net
Sun Jul 14 20:00:02 PDT 2013

The welcome message for "geysers" contains a glossary of terms 
including the codes for Grand, which appears below.  However, I 
notice that it needs to be updated - there is no V in the code.  I'm 
not sure who has been commissioned as the official code specifier, 
but we need someone to clarify and revise the code statement 
below.  I'll get it into the welcome message whenever it's 
posted.  Once that is done, I'll send out the complete welcome 
message since it seems that some have forgotten that, once upon a 
time, you were warmly welcomed with a blessed message giving this 
code, many other terms and some important warnings.  How could you 
forget about something that has been so carefully conceived for your 
benefit?  Sigh.

Carlton Cross

Grand Geyser Legend

Example - 1434 G3Q D4 - indicates the eruption started at 2:34 
PM.  Grand started the eruption before Turban. There were 3 burst in 
the eruption. At the end of the eruption, Vent and Turban geysers 
stopped erupting. And finally, the eruption occurred on the fourth 
Turban eruption after the delay.  Grand brief version:  for example, 
Grand 1434 (3B) for the number of bursts.

      D - delay (Turban interval is over 25 minutes. D0 (D zero) is 
the notation for the first Turban eruption whose interval is over 25 
minutes from the previous.  Subsequent Turban eruptions are noted as 
D1, D2, etc.)

      N - no Turban delay observed
      G - Grand started first (G3 - three bursts)
      T - Turban started first (T2 - two bursts)
      Q - Turban and Vent quit at end of Grand's eruption
      C - Turban and Vent continued

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