[Geysers] Close to Cone indicator 01-16-13

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 18:26:52 PST 2013

P.S. on my previous post.

Is Close to Cone a reliable indictor that Beehive is going to erupt? Well, all the bubblers bubbling means water is in the system. But during 2010, a year of false Indicators, Close to Cone bubbled frequently, Indicator erupted for a very long time, and then everything quit--no Beehive eruption (though Beehive wasn't dormant, it would have weak eruptions every few days). So, treat Close to Cone Indicator like any geyser, it can be useful but not a guarantee. Regardless, it's always an interesting little sput.

Group of gazers watching a false Beehive's Indicator on Sept. 5, 2010.
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Pat Snyder
(Beehive Addict.)

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