[Geysers] Coding times for overnight eruptions in Geysertimes

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Sat Jan 5 08:14:28 PST 2013

I never was a fan of guesswork entries, which easily cause  
misinterpretations. (Gotta admit, too, that I sometimes long for the days before  there 
were even CB radios!) I think the biggest problem with the proposal for  
something like "0000A" and the term "assumed" is that it is possible that such  an 
eruption in fact did NOT take place. Such an entry, looking like a "real"  
time would be incorrect and misleading. If there is to be something, then 
I'd  prefer an entry more akin to Dan's "9999" along with an explanation that 
we  don't really know for absolute certain that there was an eruption, only 
that we  pretty much, more or less think there was one.
You can move this comment into the survey if you wish.
Scott Bryan

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