[Geysers] Norris & Steamboat datastream...

Michael Goldberg goldbeml at ucmail.uc.edu
Thu Aug 15 17:55:37 PDT 2013

I was curious about that temparature drop too.

The cloudburst explanation makes the most sense to me; also it fits in 
with the prounounced spike in water flow at the Tantalus Creek stream 
gage: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/mt/nwis/uv?site_no=06036940

As for Steamboat's long-period cycles of minor activity, I couldn't agree 
more with your assessment!

Michael Goldberg
Michael.Goldberg at uc.edu

On Thu, 15 Aug 2013, Davis, Brian L. wrote:

>> The major eruption does not stick out as dramatically as one might expect.
> It doesn't... but there's some interesting things there anyway. A while 
> back I posted that Steamboat had a long-period (weakfish, more like 5 
> days currently I think) "envelope", with a resting or quiescent phase 
> every so often based on the stream temperatures. The major occurred on 
> the first active period just after one of these quiescent phases, which 
> may be significant, or a complete coincidence. If Steamboat would only 
> be kind enough to erupt in majors perhaps 10 more times, so that we 
> could determine the correlation, that would be fine, thank you :).
> I've been watching the graphs to see when it might start minor behavior 
> again (it hasn't apparently), an noticed something else odd - not at 
> Steamboat, but at nearly every other instrumented Norris spot, there was 
> a sudden temperature drop on the evening of 9 Aug. Porkchop, Opalescent 
> Spring, Constant, Echinus, all show this - but when I look at the Nuphar 
> Lake air temperature, there is *not* a huge drop (but there *is* a 
> drop... and there's a drop in the Vixen ground temperature, but later in 
> time than for the geyser runoff channels). Even things like the Gray 
> Lakes show this downward spike very clearly. So a question for those who 
> might know... was there one *heck* of a sudden downburst out there that 
> flooded everything with cold rainwater for a very brief time? And if so, 
> does it surprise anyone else that it shows up almost not at all at 
> Steamboat (where the channel sensor presumably has been dry or sitting 
> in a stagnant pool, and so I'd expect to see a strong response to a 
> sudden downburst of cold rain)?
> -- 
> Brian Davis
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