[Geysers] Making a complete data set in Geyser Times

wolveslax65 at comcast.net wolveslax65 at comcast.net
Tue Oct 16 22:12:23 PDT 2012

So after working on cleaning the Old Faithful Visitor Center Logs from the  
GOSA site (OFVCL-EV) to fit with the way geysertimes.org works I have found  
that there are many gaps in the data.  I know some of these gaps will be  
hard to fill as the people that were there at the time have past on but  
personally I would love to have a complete data set all in one place. For  
this reason I took on the project of transferring the OFVCL-EV into  
geysertimes.org. So I challenge the gazing community to dust off your old  
log books if you still have them and to enter them into geysertimes.org . I  
believe this could maybe lead to new knowledge that may have been overlooked  
in the past. If you have questions about how to enter geysers that are not  
in the geysertimes.org system (as Jake Young adds new geysers to the system  
as I find them in the OFVCL-EV so they don't have to go in as "Other  
Geyser") feel free to contact me or I bet Jake Young would not mind  
answering your questions also.

Happy Gazing,

Will Boekel

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