[Geysers] Closing week report, Biscuit, Black Sand, and Midway

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 17:56:32 PST 2012

Thank you, Steve, for the excellent reports.

The little geyser north of the boardwalk at Biscuit Basin (just before Mustard Spring) is likely "Outpost" Geyser. Photo attached. It was active and having intervals of about 6 minutes and durations of around 5 minutes when I observed it in late August. It has been active nearly every time I've walked around Biscuit Basin.

Also, attached, is a photo of Avoca Spring, also taken in late August. Steve is right. It's great fun to watch. The water sloshes out the sides as well as the top, and it makes interesting sounds. However, I dearly miss the Silver Globes. Time for them to reactivate!

Pat Snyder

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Outpost Geyser

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Avoca Spring

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