[Geysers] Recent Spam

Carlton Cross cross at bmi.net
Fri Nov 2 21:40:00 PDT 2012

Some of you, primarily those who have posted to "geysers" recently, 
have been receiving pornographic spam that appears to have originated 
from "geysers," even using subject lines from recent postings.  These 
emails did not originate from the list, but rather from a computer 
infected with a Trojan.

We have taken corrective action to prevent a continuing problem.  In 
all cases when you receive questionable email,

Do not reply,
Do not click any links in the message,
Do not open any attachments.

If your problems persist, your service provider can probably help 
you.  We will continue monitoring the operation of the "geysers" list.

Carlton Cross

PS:  Personal note - some years ago, and not the "good old days," I 
received almost 4,000 emails daily just before a major spamer was 
shut down and arrested.

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