[Geysers] Atlas of Yellowstone

sgryc at comcast.net sgryc at comcast.net
Sun May 27 06:47:07 PDT 2012

Dear All, 

An “Atlas of Yellowstone” was issued just last month by the University of California Press (University of Oregon holds the copyright). It is available now at amazon.com now for $54.71. This a fascinating book of great interest to anyone who loves Yellowstone. It has extensive information about the physical, human and wildlife geography of the park and surrounding areas. Just a sampling of the maps to be found in the book include: Indian trails and campsites, maps of early explorers, path of the Yellowstone Hotspot, glaciation, maps of climate change including projections to the year 2099, the 1988 fires, bison movement, etc. Of special interest to gazers will be the maps showing development in Old Faithful area and maps of geothermal activity. There is a list of geysers that, of course, is incomplete (Logbridge is there but Botryoidal is not). It looks like any geyser that bears the name of spring or pool is not included nor are the features with no official names or unnamed geysers. This book will deepen and broaden your view of the Yellowstone area and of its great significance in the contemporary world. 

Steve Gryc
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