[Geysers] Trip report West Thumb October 5th

Stephen Eide stepheneide at cableone.net
Sat Oct 22 11:45:15 PDT 2011


I took a short trip to West Thumb the evening of October 5th 2011 and saw
what I could (which was not much).  West Thumb continues its low energy
trend for the most part.  Lakeshore Geyser is out of the water with
intermittent light overflow and light bubbling but did nothing more for me.
The signs that were in Lakeshore Spring from the high water this spring are
finally out of the spring, it appears they are a few feet from the pool now
and basically rotted out.  The water level in Fishing Cone is down out of
sight even in the side vent.  Big Cone sounds like there is bubbling in the
cone but nothing can be seen.  Black Pool continues to be hot.  King Geyser
was not boiling strong for me, mostly it just had some weaker bubbling.
Abyss pool continues to be warm but not hot with weak bacteria mats in the
pool.  I was not lucky enough to see Skinny (Skinny Man?) Geyser.  It is
subjective, but it appeared to me that Hillside Geyser was steaming more and
routinely bubbling but from the area around it it does not look like it was
erupting.  Twin Geysers intermittently bubble but I don't think it is
boiling and there is no overflow.  The little steam vent on the other side
of the boardwalk from Twin Geyser is still active.  On the upper table most
of the springs are cooler and below overflow.  I should have written it down
but I did not, however I think the only spring with any overflow from the
area of Blue Funnel to Ledge was Percolating Spring (hmm, could also have
been Perforated Pool.  I gotta remember to write these down) which had
steady overflow but no bubbles at all.  The rest of these springs are down a
few inches to a couple of feet below overflow.  Surging Spring continues to
surge, but it wasn't interesting enough for me to stay around to catch the
interval.  I had no luck for the short time I looked at Occasional Geyser
and Lone Pine.

Stephen Eide
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