[Geysers] 05/08/11

Seeyellowstone at aol.com Seeyellowstone at aol.com
Sun May 8 20:34:12 PDT 2011

A mother's day Giantess at 00:15 ns, vr.
Fountain  15:47 ns
Indicator 17:54 ie; quit at 18:02 and restarted for 1 1/2 minutes at  18:04
Beehive at 18:02
Because of the amount of gazers reporting on the list, we will only be  
reporting geysers on the Yellowstone Tour Guides facebook page.  This is so  
that we can report on one sight for geysers and wolves, sorry we are not big  
computer people.  We will report on the list when we see something rare, or  
if no gazers are in the area.  We do report all geysers viewed on our tours 
 daily, so like us.
Yellowstone Tour Guides
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